Understanding Spinal Degeneration

Dr Taylor Explains Three Phases Of Spinal Degeneration

Explore the three phases of spinal degeneration with Dr. Scott Taylor. Learn about cervical spine health, intervertebral disc disease, and how chiropractic care can help.

Should I See My Medical Doctor or a Chiropractor after a Car Accident?

Women in Pain After Car Accident Image

Should I Seek Medical Care or Chiropractic Care After an Auto Accident in Arizona? For immediate treatment after an auto accident, you should seek emergency room care. Emergency room nurses and doctors are equipped to deal with serious auto accident trauma, and can see you right away without appointment or waiting times. In most Arizona […]

10 Types of Back Pain Treatable With Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments by Southwest Spine & Rehab

10 Back Pain Conditions Treated with Chiropractic Adjustments And How Chiropractic Care Can Help Chiropractic care is a comprehensive approach to managing back pain through various techniques, including chiropractic adjustments. These adjustments help align the spine, reduce nerve pressure, and improve mobility. Here are ten common back pain conditions treated with chiropractic adjustments, along with […]

Does Insurance Cover Chiropractic Care?

chiropractic adjustment

Radial pressure wave therapy is a shockwave medical treatment that utilizes ultrasound technology to send high-energy acoustic waves into the target area to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. At the most basic level, RPW therapy stimulates new cell growth. These new, healthy cells replace old, weak, or damaged cells.

Numerous studies prove that radial pressure wave therapy is an effective means of eliminating chronic pain without surgery.

High School Sports Injuries and Chiropractic Care

Sports equipment for 3 different sports

Any parent will likely feel pride when their child shows interest in playing a high school sport. It’s also not uncommon for a parent or guardian to be a bit frightened by the prospect of their child sustaining a sports injury in their developmental years…

Chiropractic Care for Common Basketball Injuries

Basketball player falls on court

Basketball is one of the most high-impact contact sports in America. As such, basketball injuries are common. In fact, According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), basketball is the leading cause of sports injury in people aged 15 to 24. Although chiropractic care is most often associated with back pain after an auto accident, […]

Chiropractic Care for Common Cheerleader Injuries

Cheerleader pyramid

Radial pressure wave therapy is a shockwave medical treatment that utilizes ultrasound technology to send high-energy acoustic waves into the target area to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. At the most basic level, RPW therapy stimulates new cell growth. These new, healthy cells replace old, weak, or damaged cells.

Numerous studies prove that radial pressure wave therapy is an effective means of eliminating chronic pain without surgery.